Piotr M. Szczypiński


Qmazda is a software package for digital image analysis. It computes shape, color and texture descriptors of arbitrary regions of interest. Color analysis includes RGB, CMY, HSY, YIQ, YUV, CIELab and CIEXYZ models. Texture feature extraction algorithms include co-occurrence matrix, run-length matrix, autoregression model, brightness distribution statistics, local binary patterns, histogram of oriented gradients, Haar and Gabor transforms. The program enables calculation of morphological features such as moments of inertia, Feret diameters, ratios of Danielson, Blair-Bliss or Malinowska, and many others. Also it implements algorithms of discriminant analysis and data classification such as linear discriminant analysis, mutual information, convex decision boundary and support vector machines. The main goal of the program is to search for optimal methods for image classification and segmentation.


Below there are binaries for download. Software is provided as-is under GPL3 license. Source codes are available from GitLab repository.

The best references for MaZda and qmazda package are:



Do not download or install it unless you take full resposibility for what may happen.

2001-2022 © Piotr M. Szczypiński